12jun, 2023
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“The SHÉN 神 Spirits are the principle of life and death; they are the force that does not cease (Unschuld, 2011: 248). Thus, to assign to the XĪN 心 Heart the government and the basis for the SHÉN 神 Spirits To remain in the body also means to elevate it to the most important of the ZÀNG FǓ 臟腑: “The XĪN Heart 心 is the basis of life; he is responsible for changes operated by the Spirits SHÉN 神(SÙ WÈN 素問, ch. 9)”.
The SHÉN 神 Spirits are the organizing principle, capable of giving direction and consciousness to the development of the beings, witness and agent of Heaven TIĀN 天 (concept similar to that of Nature) in us (Eyssalet, 2003: 165-167 and Barsted, 2006: 90). They come from Heaven TIĀN 天 and can only inhabit the XĪN 心 Heart of the human being when it is empty, serene, at peace, and the XĪN 心 Heart is only said to be in this state of Emptiness XŪ 虛 when it is able to receive, accept and consider everything, without fixating on or rejecting any ideas, experiences or beings (La Vallée and Larre, 2007: 120). In this way, the SHÉN 神 Spirits are the connection between human beings and Heaven TIĀN 天 or, to put it another way, are the expression of nature in us (La Vallée and Larre, 2007: 23, 90). They are also the force of unity, unity and identity between the parts of the body that form the individual.”
"The XĪN 心 Heart is the official functioning as the master and sovereign, the Shining of the Spirits SHÉN MÌNG 神明 originates in him. The Lung FÈI 肺 is the official functioning as chancellor and counselor, order and Moderation originates in him. The GĀN 肝 Liver is the official working one As a general, planning and pondering originate in him. The Vesicle Biliary DǍN 胆 is the official functioning as purifier and rectifier, decisions and judgments originate in it THE DĀN ZHŌNG 膻中 is the official functioning as minister and envoy, rejoicing and happiness if originate in it. The Spleen PÌ 脾 and the Stomach WÈI 胃 are the officers Responsible for storing the cereals, the five flavors originate Them. The Large Intestine DÀ CHÁNG 大肠 functions as transmitter along the DÀO 道, changes and transformations if originate in it. The Small Intestine XIǍO CHÁNG 小肠is the official functioning as a vessel of what is perfect, the transformation of things originate in him. The Kidney SHÈN 腎 is the official functioning as An operator with strength, skills, and expertise originate in him. The Triple Heater SĀN JIĀO 三焦 is the official functioning as opener of channels, the paths of water originate in it. The Bladder PÁNG GUĀNG 膀胱 is the official functioning as a regional rectifier and purifier, The fluids of the body are stored in it. When the IQ 氣 is transformed, then urine can originate from it. All twelve officers should not lose contact with each other" (SÙ WÈN 素問, ch.8)."
11jun, 2023
Eight winds between four walls
Liberation and desire, which people and great people experienced, when socialization limits were imposed, with hierarchically inferior people, maintained a desire to explore their knowledge and power. The rules and their discipline were endowed with ancestry of customs, but many still kept the desire for freedom asleep, like a small insect driven by the wind.
People can feel it in time, the learning that was hidden from his childhood, and many discover in middle age, the lies that made him enter paths and experiences that sent him the same ideas of the flower of age and his journey begins when one discovers a direction that never changes.
Everyone lives in constant modification, like the insect in its metamorphosis to reach other airs, other winds.
The days modify the routes, and dictate the wind that blows, and that wind changes everything that touches you.
Living the sequences uninterruptedly, for tireless humans they bring us to the present times for the rescue and the opposite way from the East.
The 8 directions promulgate the day’s work, giving us the activities to be carried out.
11jun, 2023
Oito ventos entre quatro paredes
A libertação e desejo, que polposas e grandiosas pessoas experienciavam, quando eram impostos limites de socialização, com pessoas hierarquicamente inferiores, mantinham um desejo de desbravar seu conhecimento e poder. As regras e sua disciplina eram dotadas pela ancestralidade de costumes, mas muitos ainda guardavam o desejo de liberdade adormecido, como um pequeno inseto impulsionado pelo vento.
Pessoas podem sentir no tempo, a aprendizagem que foi ocultada de sua infância, e muitos descobrem na meia idade, as mentiras que o fizeram entrar em caminhos e experiências que o remeteram as mesmas idéias da flor da idade e sua jornada começa quando se descobre uma direção que nunca muda.
Todos vivem em constante modificação, como o inseto em sua metamorfose para alcançar outros ares, outros ventos.
Os dias modificam as rotas, e ditam o vento que sopra, e, esse vento modifica tudo que toca em sua direção.
Conviver as sequências ininterruptamente, para humanos incansáveis nos trazem aos tempos atuais para o resgate e ao caminho contrário do Leste.
As 8 direções promulgam o fazer do dia, datando-nos as atividades a realizar.
7jun, 2023 The name of Jesus, usurped by rulers using
Implant of the feudal kingdom
These few lines below relate the author’s reflection on the historical implantation of the Catholicism religion. With in totaled 1.3 59 billion people in the world in 2022. So, The comments are open to criticism below . I already make it clear, for more rooted Catholics not to read this reflection.
The name of Jesus, usurped by rulers using
“Copywriting” of yours ideas revealets by your assassins.
In era kingdoms, where there were idolatries of various Gods, there was a being, told by history, called Jesus. Proposing the kingdom of one God, his followers, widely labeled “Christians”, became attached to the teachings revelates by the simple person who was in front of him.
The preached teachings was in complete contradiction to the movement of the time, but it didn’t take long for this new thinking, to establish discomfort to the rulers.
History tells us that there was a great growth in followers, fleeing old thinking, to become supporters of Jesus and his words.
In short time, the “Master”, became an oppressor of the current system and sought after by opponents of his revelations.
“Jesus, with a life little revealed(18 years of his life were suppressed from the history books – 12 to 30 years). In this period was where he had one of his main teachings, with great masters of nomade tribes.”
To the conditions imposed by the rulers, directly opposed to the dogmas of Jesuswhen was making revelations and inexplicable miracles… “increasing his political”
in a large part of societyContradicted and without words, to justify their positions on the messages that Jesus revealed, they hunted down and made him do his last great feat of his existence of the liberty, showing: power over the body. The great revelation took place, when he showed everyone the resurrection.
So it wasn’t enough to “kill” his biggest opponent, because his teachings were rooted in society. And, 325 years after his birth, at the Council of Nicaea, his “heresies” were re-signified and a new religion was created from the words of Jesus, which, in addition to deifying the person they killed, made its teachings the foundations for the conquest of new lands.
The new faith opened the way to enter “uncivilized” cultures, dominating communities with rules and certain impositions for the kingdom of God. One of them is to make people confess to “free them from sin”, so they had all kinds of information for political manipulation and domination.
Much time has passed, but the feudalism created by the Catholic religion is shown today behind the acts of the government. we are in the year 2023 with the story of half words, which change according to their projects and idealisms.
1jun, 2023
Implante do Reino feudal
Estas poucas linhas abaixo, relacionam uma reflexão do autor sobre a implantação histórica da religião católica, que em 2022 somavam 1,359 bilhão de pessoas no mundo. Então aberto a críticas os comentários estão a disposição abaixo, já deixo claro, para católicos mais enraizados não lerem esta reflexão.
Uma montagem em nome de Jesus, cujos ensinamentos revelados foram usurpados pelos seus assassinos.
Em reinos onde existiam idolatrias à vários Deuses, houve um ser, contado pela história, chamado Jesus. Propondo o reino de um Deus, seus seguidores, amplamente rotulados “cristãos”, afeiçoaram-se aos ensinamentos revelados pela simples pessoa que estava em sua frente.
Os ensinamentos pregados estavam em completa contradição ao movimento da época, e não demorou muito para este novo pensamento, estabelecer desconforto aos governantes da época.
A história nos conta que houve um grande crescimento de seguidores, que deixaram o antigo pensamento para se tornarem adeptos a Jesus e suas palavras.
Em pouco tempo, o Mestre se tornou um opressor do sistema vigente e procurado pelos opositores a suas revelações.
“Com uma vida pouco revelada, foram suprimidos 18 anos de sua vida dos livros de história (12 anos aos 30 anos). Período este onde teve um de seus principais ensinamentos com grandes mestres de tribos andantes.”
Aos condicionamentos impostos pelos governantes, se opôs diretamente aos seu dogmas, fazendo revelações e verdadeiros milagres inexplicáveis, aumentando ainda mais seu poder “politico” em grande parte da sociedade.
Contraditos e sem palavras para justificar seus posicionamentos sobre as mensagens que Jesus revelava, o caçaram e fizeram-no fazer seu último grande feito da sua existência mostrando: o poder sobre o corpo. A grande revelação ocorreu, quando mostrou a todos a ressurreição.
Então não bastou “matar” seu maior opositor, pois seus ensinamentos estavam enraizados na sociedade. E, 325 anos após seu nascimento, no concílio de Nicéia suas “heresias” foram ressignificadas e criou-se das palavras de Jesus a nova religião, que além de endeusar a pessoa que mataram, fizeram de seus ensinamentos os fundamentos para a conquista de novas terras.
A nova fé abriu o caminho para entrar em culturas “não civilizadas”, dominando as comunidades com regras e certas imposições para o reino de Deus. Uma delas é fazer as pessoas se confessarem para “livrá-las do pecado”, assim tinham todo o tipo de informações para manipulação e dominação política.
Muito tempo já se passou, mas o feudalismo criado pela religião católica, se mostra hoje, por trás dos atos dos governos. estamos no ano de 2023 com a história de meias palavras, que mudam conforme seus projetos e idealismos.
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