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“The SHÉN 神 Spirits are the principle of life and death; they are the force that does not cease (Unschuld, 2011: 248). Thus, to assign to the XĪN 心 Heart the government and the basis for the SHÉN 神 Spirits To remain in the body also means to elevate it to the most important of the ZÀNG FǓ 臟腑: “The XĪN Heart 心 is the basis of life; he is responsible for changes operated by the Spirits SHÉN 神(SÙ WÈN 素問, ch. 9)”.
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The SHÉN 神 Spirits are the organizing principle, capable of giving direction and consciousness to the development of the beings, witness and agent of Heaven TIĀN 天 (concept similar to that of Nature) in us (Eyssalet, 2003: 165-167 and Barsted, 2006: 90). They come from Heaven TIĀN 天 and can only inhabit the XĪN 心 Heart of the human being when it is empty, serene, at peace, and the XĪN 心 Heart is only said to be in this state of Emptiness XŪ 虛 when it is able to receive, accept and consider everything, without fixating on or rejecting any ideas, experiences or beings (La Vallée and Larre, 2007: 120). In this way, the SHÉN 神 Spirits are the connection between human beings and Heaven TIĀN 天 or, to put it another way, are the expression of nature in us (La Vallée and Larre, 2007: 23, 90). They are also the force of unity, unity and identity between the parts of the body that form the individual.”
"The XĪN 心 Heart is the official functioning as the master and sovereign, the Shining of the Spirits SHÉN MÌNG 神明 originates in him. The Lung FÈI 肺 is the official functioning as chancellor and counselor, order and Moderation originates in him. The GĀN 肝 Liver is the official working one As a general, planning and pondering originate in him. The Vesicle Biliary DǍN 胆 is the official functioning as purifier and rectifier, decisions and judgments originate in it THE DĀN ZHŌNG 膻中 is the official functioning as minister and envoy, rejoicing and happiness if originate in it. The Spleen PÌ 脾 and the Stomach WÈI 胃 are the officers Responsible for storing the cereals, the five flavors originate Them. The Large Intestine DÀ CHÁNG 大肠 functions as transmitter along the DÀO 道, changes and transformations if originate in it. The Small Intestine XIǍO CHÁNG 小肠is the official functioning as a vessel of what is perfect, the transformation of things originate in him. The Kidney SHÈN 腎 is the official functioning as An operator with strength, skills, and expertise originate in him. The Triple Heater SĀN JIĀO 三焦 is the official functioning as opener of channels, the paths of water originate in it. The Bladder PÁNG GUĀNG 膀胱 is the official functioning as a regional rectifier and purifier, The fluids of the body are stored in it. When the IQ 氣 is transformed, then urine can originate from it. All twelve officers should not lose contact with each other" (SÙ WÈN 素問, ch.8)."